Maternal Neonate and Child Health Research in Pakistan

Pakistan's MNCH (Maternal, Neonatal & Child Health) indicators are showing a slow progress in achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDG) targets. Relevant research is necessary for evidence-based interventions. This paper attempts to identify trends of published work and research in MNCH according to levels of health service delivery and their areas of focus in terms of policy and/or programmatic approach. A total of 342 published papers and documents relevant to MNCH from 1995-2008 were reviewed and categorized according to the level and type of research. Most of the published work specifically focusing on MNCH has been conducted in the tertiary level care facilities (48%) with maximum focus on clinical/diagnostic interventions (52.3%). A surge in publication of MNCH related articles has been observed from the year 2000 onwards. This paper illustrates that most of the research conducted is at tertiary level care facilities with focus on clinical/diagnostic interventions while lesser research was done with focus on policy and strategic planning. Where a number of commendable materials are available on 'policy and strategic planning' but these are not always based on evidence and scientific rigor and on widely disseminated lessons learnt. Thus there is a dire need to carry-out and promote more researches in the area of policy and strategic planning in MNCH.

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